Undoubtedly, the engine needs to be cleaned not only from the outside , but from the inside. But if everything is more or less smooth in the exterior, then the cleaning of the engine will mostly wash the engine from the inside . After all the cleaning in the dryer will give a good result. And, by the way, the diesel will not be hungry for dirt either. Both the engine and the body are washed not only , but also in the warm season (it will be nice and dry after that). That is, in the cold season, the engine will be well washed, and even in the rain will get into the under-hood space to the core and be washed. It is also in the interest of both the engine and body not to wash the engine in such conditions. In the cold season, the body is less protected from moisture and the air. That is why washing the engine with diesel fuel does not give as good results as with other methods. The water and dirt get into the under-hood space. That is why the results of the above operations are halved. Cleaning and maintenance of the engine The basis for cleaning the engine was a clean MAF (middle box). That is, if there were any dirt or scuff marks on the disk, then it was removed, and only then the dirt and dust were wiped with a dry cloth. To accelerate the process of cleaning, it was decided to use an abrasive polishing cloth, which is available in any garage. That is, in order to get rid of small dirt and sandstorm damages, you need to clean the disk, and then use a cloth for the engine. It was decided to use a mixture of diesel and motor oil of the desired consistency. The composition should be slightly more concentrated than the lubricating fluid . The main thing was to keep the volume the same, and the oil was distributed evenly. After the procedure, the engine quickly became unusable, as there was an excess of dirt and noxious fumes. However , the car is able to work longer with such a clutch , as there is less wear on the engine.